Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ministerial delegation attends AIM Dubai

Zubair Motiwala, chairman Sindh Board of Investment, informed delegates of opportunities in agriculture, livestock, coal and energy, infrastructure development and solid waste management.
KARACHI: Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim and Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah attended the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) in Dubai, says a statement issued from the CM House here on Tuesday.
Over 2,000 delegates, including 40 ministers, are participating from around the world in the summit.
Zubair Motiwala, chairman Sindh Board of Investment, explained to delegates the competitive strengths of the province. He informed delegates of opportunities in agriculture, livestock, coal and energy, infrastructure development and solid waste management.
On the sidelines, government-to-government (G2G) meetings were held with Zafar Caglayan, Turkish Minister of Economy, during which CM Shah invited Turkish companies to share their expertise in solid waste management. Shah assured the Turkish minister that all steps will be taken to enhance existing trade levels and sought cooperation in different areas. He also assured the Turkish minister that the government of Sindh will facilitate Turkish investors in Sindh and address their concerns.
Meanwhile, The Economic Times reported that Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim, while talking on the sidelines, said that Pakistan will grant India the most favoured nation status by the end of this year. “There are some technicalities and after those are resolved then the final shape will be given,” Fahim said. “I believe the target is by the end of this year to complete all the requirements.”
A G2G meeting was also held with Sheikha Lubna Bint Khalid Al Qassimi, UAE’s Foreign Minister of Trade. The Pakistani ministers stressed the need for a strategic thrust to UAE and Pakistan’s economic relations.
Shah also held a detailed meeting with the Emirati Al-Minhal Group. The investors showed keen interest in the Thar coal project and agreed to conduct a follow-up meeting along with Chinese assistance.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 3rd, 2012.

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